Writing Coaching & Workshops

I offer clarity and compassionate guidance as you navigate the unfolding of your own place-based story. Based in the Pacific Northwest, I meet with clients in my office in historic Fairhaven or virtually on ZOOM. I look forward to working with individuals and small groups at all stages of life and career. I welcome writers and non-writers, alike. I will help you create possibility in your life, cultivate new directions for creative projects, and support you as you find your voice and develop your craft.

“To be rooted is perhaps the most important and least recognized need of the human soul.”

-Simone WEil
Photo Credit: Steve Johnston

Work with Me

Writing is deep excavation, writing is prayer, writing connects us to ourselves and our deepest ecologies.  

I am a mother, poet, and former scientist. I spent a lot of my young adult life on the move, feeling detached, going from experience-to-experience without reflecting on my feelings or fully understanding what I really wanted. Deep inside, I now realize that I was yearning to find contentment and belonging. After finally putting down roots and learning the seasonal rhythms of a farm, I rediscovered my voice and artist self through writing.

I believe that poetry and writing are powerful tools for creating presence, transformation, and growth.

My educational background is in biology and horticulture (PhD, 2011) and I spent years studying nature, from a distance, through the lens of Western science. My classes and research took me into Vermont wildflower meadows teeming with bumble bees, digging in muddy potato fields in Washington, and counting hundreds upon hundreds of nematodes in the microscope. I loved what I was learning, but I also needed a better way to connect with and care for myself and the beauty of the land around me. After several sessions of morning pages and a chance encounter with my favorite nature poet, I knew I was meant to be a writer. I returned to school to pursue my passion for poetry and creative nonfiction (MFA, 2014).

Through personalized coaching sessions, you will engage your body, heart, and mind in a meaningful and grounded way.

In my practice, I offer manuscript coaching and I also use writing as a healing modality to revisit past wounds, unearth possibility, and find clarity. I completed a yoga teacher training (RYT-200) with a focus on Yin Yoga and received my Professional Coaching Certificate in 2021. I love offering workshops that integrate writing and personal reflection with dynamic movement and meditative activities.

What I Offer

Writing Coaching

After a free, initial conversation to discuss your interest in writing coaching, we will coordinate bi-weekly sessions (60 min). Virtual or in-person options are available. Between session work consists of a mixture of grounding activities and self-reflection prompts to inspire your writing process. Ecointegral coaching packages include either Four, Eight, or Twelve pre-paid sessions. Payment plans are available.

Manuscript Coaching

For current manuscript projects in progress, I offer content edits and creative feedback. I want to support you on completing your manuscript and getting it where it needs to go. I am open to all genres, yet focus on poetry and memoir specifically. Manuscript coaching is available in-person, Zoom, or email and starts with a Page One session.

Reading Coaching

Lifelong literacy is important to me and I love finding new and interesting ways to help people of all ages fall in love with the written word. More info soon.

Writing Groups and Workshops

Throughout the year I offer a mix of writing workshops. I also facilitate a monthly online writing group. See Events for more information. Custom group experiences are available.

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”

— Rachel Carson from Silent Spring